ABC Science show aired an interesting broadcast Aug 1 2020, where Lila Landowski Postdoctoral fellow, Neuroscience & Brain Plasticity College of Health and Medicine University of Tasmania discussed what happens to the brains of fatigued people.
A broadcast of the interview-: Protect your hippocampus with exercise, diet, socialising and sex ABC Science Show Aug 1 2020
If you have ever noticed the correlation between stress poor sleep and memory performance issues this is a great episode to explain how the brain is affected by that combination.
source: Protect your hippocampus with exercise, diet, socialising and sex ABC Science Show Aug 1 2020
When we are stressed cortisol is released into the brain. We often do not think clearly when stressed and this transcript may explain this-:
source: Protect your hippocampus with exercise, diet, socialising and sex ABC Science Show Aug 1 2020
source: Protect your hippocampus with exercise, diet, socialising and sex ABC Science Show Aug 1 2020
It turns out that the type of exercise generally recommended ie. 20-30 minutes of aerobic exercise (build up a sweat) 3 times a week is very good at regenerating neurons in the hippocampus.
Yoga has some natural techniques for improving your sleep patterns. Refer How to Sleep Better
Break the pattern, or don't stress about being stressed. Recognise when you are falling into that pattern and try to break it.
If something is really causing you stress - can you simply drop it? If it is a work situation, or relationship situation you may need professional counselling.
source: Innercalm Counselling
More on Stress