Alcohol Causes Cancer

Alcohol Causes Cancer

Recently it's been discovered that alcohol has something to do with causing very common cancers like breast cancer and bowel cancer.
It is a class 1 carcinogen in the same category as tobacco. It rates number 3 behind tobacco and obesity.
It is estimated alcohol is responsible for 4-5% of cancers across the board.
The risk starts from zero - there is no safe limit.

An ABC Radio National episode invited 2 guests Professor Ian Olver and Professor Simone Pettigrew to disgusts whether alcohol should come with similar warnings as tobacco.

The response was not what many would expect from the experts. This is largely because alcohol is woven into the fabric of Australian lifestyles. It actually helped many get through COVID.

Why wine is a better choice when drinking alcohol
source: Ilya Vineyards

Alcohol Ads

Advertisements for alcohol often portray it as being part of a healthy lifestyle, fun lifestyle and normal lifestyle.

Given it is embedded in Australian culture, there is a risk in communicating it as something negative.

Professor Ian Olver suggests -:

Bowel cancer was the most effective one to mention in a warning, because obviously bowel cancer is not something people want to experience you don't experience any cancer, but the thought of wearing a colostomy bag, for instance, we found to be particularly a disincentive.

Professor Ian Olver

Question the science

Cola manufacturers, breakfast cereal producers and climate change deniers often question the science as a tactic. Or in the case of cola manufacturers they attempt to make alternative science. (Energy balance science denying the danger of sugar).

The Australian Government's primary health and medical research funding agency (NHMRC) did come out with a policy of two standard drinks or less for males and one for females - wasn't based on science. That was just based on low risk, but not no risk.

What are the specific affects of alcohol on the body?

Primary alcohols can be oxidized to either aldehydes or carboxylic acids, depending on the reaction conditions.
Acid Aldehyde is known to be a carcinogen from pre clinical studies. It can actually interfere with the genetic material in the middle of the cell, which contribute to cancer.

Alcohol can cause an inflammatory response. Alcohol can affect hormone levels, hence a breast cancer risk due to altered female hormone estrogen levels.

Alcohol intake has been linked to cancer.

Sources and References

Professor Ian Olver AM, is an Australian medical oncologist, cancer researcher and bio-ethicist, former CEO of Cancer Council Australia.

Professor Simone Pettigrew, Head of Food Policy at The George Institute for Global Health

Presented by Tegan Taylor ABC Life Matters



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