The Separation of Church and State - Part 1 The Australian Constitution
The Separation of Church and State - Part 2 The Rising Christian Right
The Separation of Church and State - Part 3 Secularism
The Australian Christian Churches (ACC), formerly Assemblies of God in Australia, is a network of Pentecostal churches in Australia affiliated with the World Assemblies of God Fellowship, which is the largest Pentecostal denomination in the world.
The 'vision' of an ACC member based in Queensland, Church And State Ministry, is "to raise up Christians in every electorate to intentionally influence culture as Jesus would in our place - without blind loyalty to any politician or party but guided by a firm foundation on God's Word."
On the Church and State website, under the heading Arming Christians, the following statements appear:
The Church and State website encourages regular financial donations (tithes) to assist their cause along with 'Direct Deposit Account Details':
(Church and State. accessed 25 April 2022)
The political strategies encouraged by Church and State include:
Church and State outline the...
The most important step!
It's not enough to find a good candidate and send them out to fight alone. They need an army behind them willing to back them if they are to have the courage to fight the big, important battles. That's our job. Together, we supply or withhold from politicians the imprimatur: the authority to speak what may be unpopular. You can be certain that many good politicians have been unable to hold the line when left to fight alone.
When you find the best candidate, you should also offer to donate what you can to their election campaign, as well as your front yard fence for their election sign. You have to go and vote, so volunteer in advance to stick around for a few hours and help handout flyers which will help other people to vote for who you’ve sincerely discovered to be the best candidate for the job.
Now if just 1,000 praying Christians in every electorate make this offer when emailing every candidate in the first place, every candidate will have the offer of...
Anyone who's worked in an election campaign knows that those three things are usually in rare supply. Politicians also know that for everyone prepared to write and ask about those deal-breaker justice issues there's probably 10 or 20 people who feel the same but can't be bothered writing. Add 10,000 - 20,000 votes to the chance of 1,000 signs, donors & volunteers, and that's a lot of pressure to do the right thing!
(From accessed 22/04/2022)
Parishioners at one Adelaide Pentecostal church - Southland Church in Pasadena - held a service late last month attended by four senior Liberal MPs, including the local member Carolyn Power.
During the service, pastor Rob Norman told the congregation it was their "mission" to become party members to help block contentious 'anti-Life' legislation such as the recent abortion and voluntary euthanasia Bills.
(Richardson T. The Conservative Correction... Pentecostal insurgence.InDaily. 9 June 2021)
In June 2021, the South Australian Liberal Party terminated the membership of 150 Pentecostal Christians and has asked 400 more recently signed up members to show cause as to why they shouldn't be "turfed out as well."
(Gregoire, P. SA Liberals conduct purge of Pentecostalists after the infiltration of party ranks. Sydney Criminal Lawyers. 25 June 2021)
After becoming Prime Minister, Scott Morrison named religious freedom protections through a Religious Discrimination Bill as one of his first priorities. The LNP Federal Government's three attempts thus far to get the laws passed have failed.
Napier-Raman K. Cash backs religious discrimination laws. Crikey. 17 June 2021)
In 2020, Christian Brown, wrote the following in his article, Australia's Traditional Separation of Church and State is in Peril:
(Brown C. Daily Clout. 14 February 2020)
In April 2021, Crikey's David Hardaker noted the following:
(Hardaker, D. Scott Morrison and the Seven Mountains mandate. How the PM is changing Australia in God's name. 27 April 2021.)
In March 2021, Samantha Dick of The New Daily reported on the controversy surrounding the use of the prayer room at Parliament House, Canberra, to 'engage in sex':
(Dick, S. Parliament staff on strike over safety... 23 March 2021)
Michelle Pini, Independent Australia Editor, reported further on the extent to which sexual depravity had spread within the Liberal Party and Parliament House.
(Pini, M. Big swinging dicks and the rule of law. 11 March 2021)
A Parliament House 'insider' came forward under the condition of anonymity to tell Channel 10's Political Editor - Peter van Onselen the following:
(from Brown, N. Images show senior government staff performing sex acts at Parliament House. 23 March 2021)
Abjorensen, Norman. Australia's great political shift. 28 July 2017.
The Age Editorial. Dropping the Lord's Prayer would help State Parliament better reflect our diversity. 2 August 2021.
Almond, Philip C.,Emeritus Professor in the History of Religious Thought, The University of Queensland. Five aspects of Pentecostalism that shed light on Scott Morrison's politics. The Conversation.23 May 2019.
Amen. A history of prayers in Parliament. PM Glynn Institute Occasional Paper.
Austin, Alan. Independent Australia. Catholics condemn Abbott's callous regime.1February 2014.,6118
The Australian Human Rights Commission. Freedom of Religion and Belief in the 21st Century. 21 March 2011.
Bell, Trevor. The Iron Fist and the Velvet Glove. (accessed 30 April 2022)
Brown, Christian.Australia's Traditional Separation of Church and State is in Peril. Daily Clout. 14 February 2020.
Brown, Natalie. Images show senior government staff performing sex acts at Parliament House. 23 March 2021.
Cannold, Leslie. Australia's fading separation between church and state.13 May 2011.
Cannold, Leslie. 30 April 2011.
Church and State. (accessed 25 April 2022)
Church and State. (accessed 22 April 2022)
Conviction with Compassion: A Report on Freedom of Religion and Belief
Chapter 4 - Freedom of religion and belief in Australia A brief history.Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade. November 2000.
Dey, Josephine M. An Anthropological Study of Revivalist Religion in Adelaide. Master of Arts thesis. Dpt. of Anthropology, University of Adelaide, SA. 1979.
Dick, Samantha. Parliament staff on strike over safety, 'had enough' of inaction.
The New Daily. 23 March 2021.
Doneman, Paula & Siganto, T. Noosa Temple of Satan education challenge dismissed by judge as 'jumble of confected nonsense'. ABC News. 7 May 2022.
Forbes, Tom. Utting A. & Bernard K. Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate rejects satanic group's council prayer room booking. ABC Gold Coast. 20 April 2022.
Gregoire, Paul. SA Liberals conduct purge of Pentecostalists after the infiltration of party ranks. Sydney Criminal Lawyers. 25 June 2021.
Hardaker, David.Scott Morrison and the Seven Mountains mandate: how the PM is changing Australia in God's name. Crikey. 27 April 2021.
Hiatt, Bethany. Education Editor. Schools 'no place for prayers'. The West Australian. 21 September 2011.
Hirst, Jordan. Q News. 21 April 2022.
InQueensland. Insights – Kingdom come: Mayor's new spiritual advisor and the texts that come directly from God. 14 April 2022
Jones, Belinda, Stuart Robert's litany of transgressions. 16 October 2018.,12001
Lewis, Peter. 'God Bless Australia'?With a true separation of church and state, there's no need. 7 December2016.
Martin, Sarah.Scott Morrison tells Christian conference he was called to do God's work as Prime Minister.The Guardian. 26 April 2021.
Martin, Sarah. Stuart Robert praises Scott Morrison for practising the Pentecostal tradition of laying on of hands. 28 April 2021.
Napier-Raman, Kishor. Cash backs religious discrimination laws. Crikey. 17 June 2021.
The New Daily. PM sorry for offensive "Blessed" disability clanger. 21 April 2022.
Pini, M. Big swinging dicks and the rule of law. IA.11 March 2021,14882
PM sorry for offensive 'blessed' disability clanger. The New Daily. 21 April 2022.
The Rationalist Society of Australia.Prayers in Government 21 April 2022)
Richardson Tom. The Conservative Correction… Pentecostal insurgence. In Daily. 9 June 2021.
Rogers, Destiny. Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate & the Seven Mountains Mandate. Q News. 2 April 2022.
Rogers, Destiny. Gold Coast's Home of the Arts a 'demonic stronghold'. Q News. 6 April 2022.
Rogers, Destiny. Pastor describes job... Q News. 7 April 2022.
Rope, Sally. Webber M. & Cansdale D.Tom Tate's spiritual adviser says Mayor supported 'kingdom of God' template for Gold Coast.ABC Gold Coast. 1 April 2022.
Seccombe, Mike.Prime Minister Tony Abbott and the Christian Right. The Saturday Paper. 29 August 2015.
The Secular Party.
(accessed 11 April 2022)
Ward, Mary. On Catholicism and Abbott. Mamamia. 30 September 2013.
Wren John. Scott Morrison's Pentecostal beliefs have affected Liberal party policies. Independent Australia. 1 January 2021.,14656
The Separation of Church and State - Part 1 The Australian Constitution
The Separation of Church and State - Part 2 The Rising Christian Right