Gold Coast COVID testing location traffic controller
We go to another location and prepare for a long wait, it's 7 am, the line of cars does not move until 8:05.
A 3 1/2 hour episode and really we are still the lucky ones.
1 living on the Gold Coast,
2 living in Australia compared to the experiences of others overseas.
A typhoon hits the Philippines and some regions lose power for a month in the middle of a pandemic. Yes we are lucky in Australia.
After 2 line-ups in 3 days, there is not one angry word said anywhere.
Staff are in the sun with protective gear. They have an efficient process.
It relies on you having a mobile phone and your Medicare card.
If you have followed guidelines, have been vaccinated, it appears most people will be ok especially with the Omicron variety.
In a press conference January 13 2022 the premier Annastacia Palaszczuk expressed her "shock" as Queensland has recorded 14,914 new cases and six deaths, marking its deadliest day of the pandemic so far, with only 7 in the previous 2 years.
Queensland was the only eastern state to increase household consumption from pre-pandemic to June Quarter 2021 according to ABS figures.
Some sectors in Queensland were suffering, however in general Queensland was outperforming the eastern states by how it handled COVID and consumer demand reflected that. On the Gold Coast we were in boom times with house prices increasing and Gold Coast tradesmen in demand. There was an influx of Tree Changers & Sea Changers from COVID ravaged states Victoria and New South Wales.
Listening to the grumblings of one local opposition politician who claimed we are in a "police state" and the madness of anti-vaxxers, it is clear some people simply do not like being told what to do.
Except Australia is one of the best places anywhere to be told what to do. And during this pandemic Queensland especially so.
Where else can you line up and not have someone try to jump the queue?
What we did hear, loud and clear was medical staff are at breaking point, that was before "Let it Rip" came into play.
Gold Coasters who are used to being inundated during Christmas holidays had "Let it Rip" by stealth thrust upon them as well. Staffing was an issue across the Gold Coast. Cafes who had survived the last 2 years of lockdowns and restrictions had trouble finding staff as it was.
And typically what happened was many of the workers, the backbone of the economy immediately succumbed to COVID.
No one, especially the federal government seemed to think ahead enough as to how to supply Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT) tests to the workforce and to the vulnerable industries.
There was not even a co-ordinated plan to vaccinate nursing homes (boosters) across Australia according to advocacy groups.
Older residents were in some reports, left to isolate in their rooms because a PCR test was unavailable. Residents who could previously get up and make themselves a cup of tea were ending up incontinent in a wheelchair unable to do anything for themselves due to the mental health affect of the isolation.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison had to be dragged kicking and screaming to offer RAT to concession holders - which has not yet been implemented. How were people supposed to safely get RAT if they had COVID symptoms?
Check Rapid Antigen Test Prices Worldwide
Did you know both UK and USA have free RAT.
Audio from ABC news January 19 2021
Queensland's Chief Health Officer John Gerrard ABC news Jan 12 2022
A worker in a Surfers Paradise bottle shop was the only one in his team to not be off with COVID.
Surfers Paradise liquor store worker
Tom Tate September 11 2022 "This gives the Prime Minister one shot at being re-elected in 2022. To do that he needs to constitutionally end any opportunity for a state leader to close borders once we hit the 80 plus per cent target."
It will not be Tom Tate or Scott Morrison standing in the Queensland sun on a hot humid January day doing PCR tests for those with COVID symptoms, they will be elsewhere.
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