Recovering from a Motor Vehicle Accident

Recovering from a Motor Vehicle Accident

Having worked in a motor vehicle claims department for a large insurance company, (straight out of school). My approach to a motor vehicle accident is to avoid them at all costs.

However this may not be an option for you. If you find yourself injured, you may need some professional follow-up. Cars can be fixed (usually), the trigger point for a vehicle write off is fairly low these days given the labour intensive motor vehicle repair industry.

There are different types of insurance:

  • Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance. (with your registration)
  • Third party property insurance for damage to other people's vehicles and property
  • Comprehensive insurance covers damage to your vehicle as well as other people’s vehicles and property.

Know your rights

Never admit fault - get the details of the driver. Below is from Legal Aid Queensland Car Accidents -:
Legal Aid Motor Vehicle Accident

Common Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries


Whiplash is caused by a sudden movement of the neck, forwards, backwards or sideways. Injuries to the tendons, ligaments and muscles occur.
Usually the neck has been pushed past its normal limits.

Symptoms include -:

  • tingling in the hands and feet
  • headaches
  • dizziness (a feeling of being a bit off)
  • sore neck


Often it is necessary to see a physiotherapist. The problem can be that the small muscles of the neck have received trauma and switched off.
The larger muscles take over, however the problem is these large muscles were not designed to hold the neck up.
Whiplash treatment will often include small movements - refer to our neck pain page.

Can You Claim for Injuries?

If you suspect any sort of injury, see an appropriate health professional. An example would be a chiropractor or physiotherapist. Mention you suspect the injury was caused by a car accident.

Your chiropractor may record the details and recommend you seek a motor vehicle accident lawyer

What you may be able to claim-:

  • Economic Loss (loss of income, time off work, change of occupation etc.);
  • Medical and Hospital Expenses (past and future);
  • Rehabilitation Expenses (past and future);
  • Pharmaceutical Expenses (past and future);
  • An amount for care/services provided by family members or professional caregivers;
  • An amount for pain and suffering;
  • Loss of Superannuation (past and future);
  • Home Modification Expenses and Medical Aids (if applicable);
  • Interest.

The drivers CTP insurer would normally be responsible for paying compensation to the injured person.
