Is Mould Harming Your Health?

Is Mould Harming Your Health?

Mould and spores are a common component of home and workplace dust.
Excessive exposure to mold-contaminated materials can cause adverse health effects in susceptible persons regardless of the type of mould or the extent of contamination.
When mould spores are present in abnormally high quantities, they can present especially hazardous health risks to humans, including allergic reactions or poisoning by mycotoxins, or causing fungal infection (mycosis)

Who is affected

People with a compromised immune systems (often the young and the elderly) are at risk from these kind of reactions

  • allergic reactions
  • asthma episodes
  • irritations of the eye
  • nose and throat
  • sinus congestion
  • other respiratory problems

Approximately 15,000 spores are equivalent to the size of a pin head. It will contaminate contents (furniture, clothes, food, paper etc). These items also act as food for spores, but even worse they are extremely harmful to your health.

Ozone Treatment Before and After

Testing and Treatment

There are companies that offer treatments for mould.
Mould needs three things to grow -:

  • Moisture
  • A Nutrient
  • Warm environment

All of which are readily available on the Gold Coast.

Ozone Treatments - Ozone kills mould on contact

O2 (oxygen) is converted to O3 (ozone) which is a "dry gas" through generators onsite. The life cycle of ozone is generation, oxidation then return to oxygen.

Ozone Generators

Various Ozone Generators are available to purchase-:

Insurance for Mould Issues

Most insurance policies expressly state that they do not cover damage if the primary cause of it is mould; eg rising damp. However, most policies will pay if the mould damage is secondary to an insured event.

Most insurance policies cover damage caused by burst or leaking pipes, storm or flood damage and leaking appliances such as hot water services, dishwashers backing-up, refrigerators and showers.

Having established that the property has been damaged by an insured event, it is then necessary to prove that the mould was caused by the insured damage and the consequent water. This may sound straightforward, however establishing:

  • the presence of mould at a property; and
  • the likely cause of that mould,

can be very difficult.

Establishing that mould is present at a property will require an expert witness (a mycologist) to test the property for the presence of mould and give an opinion about the likely source/cause of the mould.




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